adventures in college

After graduating high school, I grabed my diploma, swore off formal education and and ran as fast as I could. However a year and a half later I have turned into what I swore I never would-a college girl. This experience has been so strange and crazy that I decided to document it. This is about being a minimum wage slave to pay the rent, finals, parties, meeting strange people, roomates and cheap food.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

I hate losing friends to boys. The worst part of all this single girl business is you need to have friends that don't have boyfriends. Since becoming single I have been blown off and forgot about for boys numerous times. Last night I met up with one of my most fabulous single girl friend, ready for anything and assuming our night would be nothing but wild. However, I ended up stuck at a party with no one to talk to while she giggled and sucked face with a boy all night. I understand it's exciting when you meet a cute, sweet funny boy and I'm not really mad at her for focusing on him all night. It's just one of those things that comes with being single. Not only do you not have anyone to spend breaks with, go out to dinner with or have sex with, you have to be ready for your friends to bail at the drop of a hat. All of this has made me realize when I get a boyfriend (or should I say if I ever get a boyfriend?) I want one that doesn't make me abandon my friends in any way. I will only be in a relationship if I can't go out with my friends at least once a week. I don't want to lose myself in a relationship again and I'm young. It's only healthy to be able to have my space to run around and by rowdy with my girls!

Friday, February 09, 2007

So this blog has sat around unfinished and neglected as so many of my projects seem to. I am going to dust it off and try it out again and see if I can get the hang of this. It would be a good way to write more regularly.

My biggest life change since last semester is definitely my newly found single status. OK, so maybe it wasn't so much found, as much as it was dumped on me, by my now ex boyfriend who also dumped ME the end of August. I'm going to be very honest about this. Being single after having a boyfriend wrapped around my finger for a year and a half was retched...for about the first two weeks. Unless I meet someone who I absolutely can not pass up, I'm definitely not looking for or missing anything relationship related. I love the nights out with the girls. Dancing until last call in shoes that pinch my feet, but make me feel so hot I don't care. I love going solo on the weekends, stopping by random friends houses and party's to have a few drinks and catch up. I thought I would miss having a someone sleeping in my bed and I did for awhile. Now I love coming home alone from a night out, eating unhealthy food and watching even unhealthier TV then sleepibefore falling into bed on whatever side I feel like. I do have a good guy friend who stays over on the weekends for a cuddle, which is perfect because I get a good clean once a week spoon without any of the hassle. For the first time in three years I am completely and utterly unattached to anyone and it I feel fabulous!
More single college girl adventures soon,