adventures in college

After graduating high school, I grabed my diploma, swore off formal education and and ran as fast as I could. However a year and a half later I have turned into what I swore I never would-a college girl. This experience has been so strange and crazy that I decided to document it. This is about being a minimum wage slave to pay the rent, finals, parties, meeting strange people, roomates and cheap food.

Monday, August 07, 2006


I'm writing you right now from the same place and position I was in Saturday night, horizontally draped across my couch. Right now I am very grateful that while I was hopping from minimum wage job to minimum wage job like it was a sport, one of my roommates held a decent job over the summer and invested in the most comfortable couch in the world. I began habitation of the couch Saturday night when I dragged my poor sloth like self downstairs for a glass of water. My boyfriend found me two hours later in the position I have occupied on our downstairs couch for the past two days. Trust me ladies and gentlemen, I am not about to track up those stairs anytime soon. I have enough aches in my body when I am laying on this brand new plush couch, I can only imagine the increase upon climbing a flight of stairs. In addition to claiming a new spot in the house to call my own, I have also reached a new level of boredom. Go lay in the same position on your couch for two days and you will then understand the boredom I am talking about. When we first moved into this house I boycotted cable, moaning on to my roommates about how I would not pay a fifth of the cable bill so my head could be filled with media sludge. Right now though, I would give ANYTHING for cable. I have watched every DVD I own (which isn't that many-see part above about quitting jobs being a sport.) at LEAST once. I have read every decent blog on the net and many of the crumby ones. I've emailed, myspaced, IMed, shopped and ebayed to the point were any activity involving the internet makes me want to pull out my own teeth. Oh and it's so sunny out. What I wouldn't give to be out swimming in the ocean, reading on the beach and soaking up the sun with my boyfriend.

Cheers to being anything other then horizontal in any other place but the couch,


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