adventures in college

After graduating high school, I grabed my diploma, swore off formal education and and ran as fast as I could. However a year and a half later I have turned into what I swore I never would-a college girl. This experience has been so strange and crazy that I decided to document it. This is about being a minimum wage slave to pay the rent, finals, parties, meeting strange people, roomates and cheap food.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

defining evening

What you do on a Saturday night says a lot about you. Everything is happening on Saturdays. The house parties are stocked with alcohol, the clubs are full and the bars are packed. Saturday night is THEY night for the young twenty crowd. Saturday nights are nights for meeting people, staying out to late and making mistakes. However, on this defining Saturday night I don't find myself accepting free drinks from boys at the bar or listening to some unheard of band in a decaying venue. Nor am I mingling with my fellow students in some house packed with bodies and alcohol. On this crucial evening of the week I am curled up on the couch, downloading music, blogging, and waiting for my boyfriend. It all has me feeling way older then I should be feeling. Now I have passed up more then my fair share of Saturday nights. Sometimes the hell that is Sunday morning out weighs the exciting adventures of Saturday night. Other times I feel like reading, painting or just being by myself. Tonight however, I am bored out of my mind, dying to go out. I am physically unable to go due to a rather sharp hellish pain in my chest. So what does this Saturday night say about me? That my health is poor, I smoke too many cigs and should have went to the doctors long ago to get my hands on some antibiotics.

Cheers to making your Saturday say something more then mine,

Thursday, August 03, 2006

hang over

So all that sun I was raving about soaking up yesterday? Not going to be happening today. Today is going to be filled with me watching crap on TV, sipping lots of water with the blinds drawn firmly shut. You see, last night was taco/pina colada night. I unfortunately had more pina coladas then tacos and woke up this morning with my stomach doing somersaults and an intense ache in my head. I have to somehow find someone to take me to my car too. While drinking pina collates is right up my ally, getting a DUI is not. So I bummed a ride home last night, leaving my poor little car abandoned and alone in an unfamiliar place. Upon reaching my home, I proceded to do a social act that should never be performed while intoxicated. That's right, the new generation of drinking and dialing, leaving comments on Myspace. Their are a couple things that fueled the self pitying comments that are now slathered all over my friends pages.

  1. My boyfriend couldn't come over bc he has finals today. I'm sure some of you are familiar with drinking and sleeping alone. For some reason crazy things always result when I've got tequila pumping through my veins and find myself going home to an empty matress
  2. I started thinking about an old friend, who completely fucked me over. Usually when I think of her it involves scraping her eye balls out of her head. However, last night I just missed her and I started thinking about everything that happend between us and blah blah blah

Then the next thing I know, I'm slathering rediculouse messages all over myspace such as:

I hate everything. My heart is so broken, I don't even see hot it is still working right now. I hope everything is good with you, my bones hurt all over.

This is not good at all as now even the people who weren't their to witness my drunken stupor can now also realize what a complete and utter idiot I am.

If anyone has any entertaining web pages/you tube sites or magical hang over cures post em up. I need them more then you know.

Cheers to too many pina coladas and not enough tacos

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


While fall usually leaves me bored, and winter is just plain to god damn cold, Summer gives me an extra little care free edge. I love the summer (as I'm sure everyone who is perusing a formal education does). Their is such a good vive among everyone right now, a sort of anything can happen energy. No one has class right now and we all work as members of the minimum wage work force. Aside from paying rent the responsibility is zero and the possibilities are endless. I have a feeling the second fall semester rolls around this lovely, happy, carefree feeling will be squashed quicker then you can say splat. I suppose though unless you are Paris Hilton you are not meant to lead a life bouncing around without a second thought.
Here are my favorite summer things so far
  • Slurpies!
  • Late nights
  • Frozen Margaritas
  • Skirts
  • Reading at the beach
  • Shopping
  • Picking flowers
  • Slip and slide parties
  • Board games
  • Driving with the windows down
  • Thunderstorms
  • Bubbles
  • Sleeping all day
  • Meeting new people
  • 90s boy band (Backstreet boys, nsync etc)

However, with all these great fun carefree activities, I seem to have lost all motivation to do anything. The house needs to be cleaned, I have no groceries, my horse needs some extra TLC, I should get another job. I feel pretty confident all that will still be their to do tomorrow though, so for now I'm off to drink Pina collates and read a book on the beach.

Cheers to summer!