defining evening
What you do on a Saturday night says a lot about you. Everything is happening on Saturdays. The house parties are stocked with alcohol, the clubs are full and the bars are packed. Saturday night is THEY night for the young twenty crowd. Saturday nights are nights for meeting people, staying out to late and making mistakes. However, on this defining Saturday night I don't find myself accepting free drinks from boys at the bar or listening to some unheard of band in a decaying venue. Nor am I mingling with my fellow students in some house packed with bodies and alcohol. On this crucial evening of the week I am curled up on the couch, downloading music, blogging, and waiting for my boyfriend. It all has me feeling way older then I should be feeling. Now I have passed up more then my fair share of Saturday nights. Sometimes the hell that is Sunday morning out weighs the exciting adventures of Saturday night. Other times I feel like reading, painting or just being by myself. Tonight however, I am bored out of my mind, dying to go out. I am physically unable to go due to a rather sharp hellish pain in my chest. So what does this Saturday night say about me? That my health is poor, I smoke too many cigs and should have went to the doctors long ago to get my hands on some antibiotics.
Cheers to making your Saturday say something more then mine,
Cheers to making your Saturday say something more then mine,
At 8:41 PM, Pause said…
Don't waste your Saturdays or any other day, you only have another 3120 left in life, save the blogging for when you get a job like the rest of us ;).
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